Welcome to an Experiment in HTML5 / CSS3 / Pure JavaScript Image Editing - Interactive Dedicated Hue Thumbnails -
This filter adjusts Hue. Each outer thumbnail performs a specific adjustment when clicked.
The inner thumbnail shows how the changes would look if applied to your original image. When you are done editing, click the inner thumbnail. Please select an image to begin:
Hue + 90 degrees
Hue + 45 degrees
Hue + 20 degrees
Hue + 5 degrees
Hue + 135 degrees
Hue - 180 degrees
Hue + 180 degrees
Hue - 135 degrees
Hue - 5 degrees
Hue - 20 degrees
Hue - 45 degrees
Hue - 90 degrees
Save your new image as a full quality PNG or as a JPG with a quality setting between 1 and 100. Click the "Save Image" button to save your image. You can save multiple copies of your image by changing the selection from PNG to JPG and/or saving as JPG with various quality settings.